Knowing when to say “no” is one of the smartest things someone can decide in their brain, when they know the action they’re going to commit is of no benefit to them. So if you want to say “no” to smoking then read through this article to learn how to do that.
When you decide to quit smoking, make sure to add plenty of fresh fruit to your diet. Your body will likely undergo some chemical changes when you stop smoking, often including a lowered blood glucose level. Healthy fruits can help to raise your blood glucose level to normal levels, keeping you healthy while you’re working toward quitting.
If you’re trying to quit smoking, stopping “cold turkey” is a bad idea. Quitting without a means of support for nicotine withdrawal is an uphill battle. Because nicotine is addictive, it’s very easy to relapse without some form of support when quitting. It’s best to use smoking cessation medicine, or some type of therapy when you’re ready to quit.
Stop smoking once and for all by replacing those moments that you enjoy a cigarette with physical exercise. Not only will it be a distraction to you, but you will also benefit in a huge way by developing a healthier and more attractive body. It may be hard at first due to the effects of nicotine in your system, but start small, with a walk around the block.
You must know why you want to stop smoking. Having shallow reasons, like it is bad for you are not good enough. To really get yourself motivated, you need a personal and powerful reason to quit. Maybe you are scared of lung cancer. Or maybe you would like to keep your family from second hand smoke. It might be because you want to both feel and look younger. Choose a strong reason that outweighs your urge to light up.
Believe it or not, exercise can be the key you need to quitting smoking. Usually, many people smoke because they feel overwhelmed or stressed out. When they feel stressed, they turn to cigarettes for support. Cigarettes can be replaced by exercise. Also, exercise is good for a person’s overall health.
In addition to quitting smoking, you should also cut back on foods and drinks that trigger nicotine cravings. For example, you will be more vulnerable to your nicotine addiction when you drink alcohol. If you regularly drink coffee when you smoke, then you should cut back on that too to reduce craving-inducing associations.
Let your family and friends know that you plan to quit smoking. They are your support system, and are there to remind you to stay resolute in your attempts to quit smoking. Having a system of support is one of the best methods you can use to quit. Getting help from other people makes you more likely to succeed.
The best advice to begin quitting is to simply stop smoking. Stopping is the best way to start your journey. By doing this, you are making a pact never to start smoking again. It could seem pretty hard. It has been proven to be very effective, in long term cases.
Don’t give up if you slip up. Anytime someone tries to give something up that they have been doing for years, there will likely be a struggle. When that struggle exists, slip ups often happen. If you do slip up, get right back on track and try again. The worst thing you can do is turn a slip up into an excuse to keep smoking, so don’t do it.
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Use nicotine replacement therapies to help you quit smoking. The nicotine addiction associated with long-term smoking is strong. You are likely to get irritable, restless and depressed if you stop your intake of nicotine suddenly. Using a patch or gum or lozenges containing nicotine can help you to wean yourself off gradually.
Enlist help from your friends and family when you make the decision to stop smoking. Tell those who are close to you that you plan on quitting. They can offer you tons of support, which could make a world of difference and help you along. In addition, you might want to think about obtaining behavior therapy or joining a support group to help you quit.
An excellent method of stopping your smoking addiction is to change the brand of cigarettes that you purchase so that smoking won’t be so pleasant for you anymore. Some people get stuck on one brand that they love. When they switch this brand, they likely will not enjoy the new brand. This makes smoking not so appealing to them anymore. This makes it easier for them to quit their smoking.
Cut your caffeine intake in half. Somehow, nicotine cuts the effectiveness of caffeine in half, so after quitting, soda and coffee will be doubly effective. Drop your consumption of these so that you don’t cause your anxiety to become even worse than it already is at this difficult time.
Become a second-hand smoker. After you make it three weeks and have made tobacco freedom your new habit, you will still have cravings from time to time. You might not want to smoke, but just miss the lovely smell. Stand downwind of current smokers for a brief moment of nostalgic aroma and then move on.
You should be honest with yourself when you are looking to quit smoking. Your addiction to tobacco is as real as any other substance addiction. This means that you should seek out emotional and physical support to assist you in quitting cigarettes. Furthermore, this also means that quitting smoking should be all or nothing.
Annoy the people who bother you constantly about quitting smoking. If you decide to quit to get some peace and quiet, you will end up lacking the necessary motivation. If someone you know is very critical about your smoking, pick up a different habit that keeps you busy. A new, positive habit will help you to quit focusing on your withdrawal.
Now you can say “no”, that is if you truly want to quit smoking. The advice from this article has helped you learn to say no, not to anyone in particular but to your brain and to a substance that only causes you harm, smoke, so say no the next time you get the urge to smoke.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Three Essential Self-Care Tips for Asthma Patients then visit our Health category.