Moving in with your partner can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make in life, but it’s also one of the most stressful. Many things that were once separate are now shared, including bills and chores and responsibilities, and sometimes even toothbrushes! If you’re considering moving in with your significant other, or if they’ve asked you to move in with them, here are eight things you should know before moving in together so that you can have a happy, stress-free living arrangement.
Do They Have a Favorite Movie?
What’s your favorite movie? It may seem like a silly question, but it’s important to know. We all have personal interests that are important to us, and it’s good for you to know what your partner likes to get along better with them.
For example, if they like something that you don’t like, you can watch it with them or find a different time to enjoy it on your own. If they don’t want to do one thing with you, there are always other things that you can do together. Personal interests help build the bond between people and sharing them is a great way of getting closer to someone else!
Are They Productive at Work?
Does your partner have a good work ethic? It’s important to know if your partner is a productive worker before moving in with them. If your partner is unemployed, it can be hard to know what they are doing all day. Plus, they might not want to go back to work and that could cause tension between the two of you.
There are many reasons why it’s important to know if someone is a productive worker before living together. For one thing, when you live together you share the costs of rent or mortgage. A second reason is that sometimes people find out their partner isn’t as productive as they thought when they live together and this could be frustrating for both of them.
Do They Like Cleaning?
Does your partner love cleaning? Or are they the type of person to let their dishes pile up for weeks on end? Cleaning habits are important for maintaining a healthy relationship. If you don’t like cleaning, it’s not going to be easy, but think about what your partner would say if he/she saw your kitchen in this state.
Just because you’re lazy doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to live in the dirt. It’s time for a change; clean up your act and make your home a place where everyone wants to come over. Healthy cleaning habits will lead to a healthy relationship, so don’t undermine the importance of this factor.
Does Their Family Live Nearby?
This is an important question to consider before moving in with your partner. If your partner’s family lives close by, it might be a good idea to live near them so you can have more frequent contact with them. Plus, if you are living close to your partner’s family, they can help out with things like babysitting.
On the other hand, if your partner’s family lives far away from where you live, it might be difficult for them to visit often and provide support when needed. Of course, this is most beneficial if your partner has a good relationship with their family. That might not always be the case.
If your partner is looking for some distance between them and their family, it might be a good idea to find a place together that is not so close to them. This will give you both the space to nurture your new living space without those underlying external pressures from family.
What Type of Home Do They Want?
When you’re moving in with someone, it’s important to understand what kind of home your partner wants to have. For instance, if your partner wants a space that’s super clean and neat and doesn’t want to deal with any messes, you might want to think about getting an apartment or house that is already furnished and doesn’t need much upkeep.
Or, if they want something affordable and comfortable, they might be more comfortable with a condo or guest house rental. Understanding what kind of space your partner wants will ensure that there are no surprises when you move in together. When you are both on the same page, it will save you the trouble of having any potential disputes about your living space.
Do They Have Any Health Conditions?
While it’s important to know about your partner’s health conditions, sometimes it’s more important to know about their sleeping habits. Sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle and can be one of the most difficult things for couples to do together when their sleep patterns are different.
- Does your partner have loud snoring?
- How many hours does your partner need every night?
- What time does your partner like to go to bed?
- What time does your partner wake up in the morning?
Find ways to discuss this information so that you know what to expect when you move in together. Remember, the bedroom is the most intimate part of your house and where you and your partner will be spending a lot of time together. You want to make sure you can compromise and support them if they have any medical conditions.
Are They Financially Responsible?
Even if your partner has a great job and is earning more money than you are, they need to be financially responsible. No matter who earns more in the relationship, the two of you should have a joint checking account to cover household expenses.
It doesn’t mean that one person should be solely in charge of paying all the bills. And, both parties should be able to access the account at any time, which means they’ll need a debit card or online banking password. Having this setup can help avoid arguments about who pays for what.
Do They Have Pets?
If your partner has pets, it’s important to find out if they’re allowed in the apartment you’re considering moving into. Some landlords have restrictions on what types of pets are allowed and how many pets can live in an apartment. If your partner has a pet that is not allowed in the building or if there are too many animals for the space, it may be best to look for another place to live together.
Also, consider if you have any allergies or problems with pet cleanliness. These factors should be heavily considered since your or your partner’s pet will be an important part of your new lives together.
Final Thoughts
After living with your partner, you may find that some things about them are less than desirable. After all, the saying you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone is true in this case. There are many ways to maintain a healthy relationship after moving in together. Communication is key, as well as knowing your partner’s living habits and common interests and dislikes.
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