Bladder Cancer occurs in the bladder cells, which is a common sort of cancer. The bladder is a hollow muscular organ located at the lower abdomen of the human body that stores urine. Cancer starts from the urothelial cells, which line the insides of the bladder.
The urothelial cells are also located in the ureters and kidneys, which link the bladder to the kidneys. Urothelial cancer can also occur in the ureters and kidneys, but it mostly occurs in the bladder.
The majority of bladder cancers get diagnosed during the early stages, which makes them treatable. But even during the early stages, bladder cancers might return after an effective bladder cancer treatment.
That’s why it’s important to opt for follow-up tests for many years after treatment to check for bladder cancer, which recurs.
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer
Witnessing blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. But simply having blood in the urine is not a sure sign of this cancer. It’s because the blood in urine is caused due to various other conditions. But make sure to contact the healthcare provider once you find blood in your urine. Apart from that, here are the other symptoms of bladder cancer:
- Back Pain
- Frequent Urination
- Painful Urination
Various Types of Bladder Cancer
There are three kinds of bladder cancers, and each of them is named after the cells which line the bladder walls where cancer begins. These are as follows:
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
This particular cancer begins from the transitional cells that form the inner lining of the bladder wall. Doctors from BLK-Max Hospital say that the majority of cancers are transitional. In this type of cancer, all the abnormal cells spread to the other layers of the bladder from the inner lining. It’s commonly known as Urothelial Bladder Cancer.
These types of cancers take place in the glands, which line the organs, including the bladder. This cancer is pretty rare and accounts for 1% to 2% out of all bladder cancers.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cells are flat and thin cells that line up the insides of the bladder. This type of cancer takes place in people who have been experiencing bladder irritation or inflammation for a long time.
How is Bladder Cancer Diagnosed?
There are some procedures and tests through which bladder cancer gets diagnosed, which are:
To conduct the cystoscopy, the physician will insert a narrow and small tube known as the cystoscope through the urethra. This device has a small lens attached to it, which enables the physician to see the insides of the bladder and the urethra. It helps the physician to examine all these structures for any signs of disease.
During cystoscopy, the physician will pass a unique tool right through the scope and into the bladder. This tool will collect a cell sample for testing. The method is known as TURBT or Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour. This procedure can also be utilized for treating bladder cancer.
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Urine Cytology
The physician will take your urine sample to analyze it under the microscope and look for the presence of cancer cells. This procedure is known as urine cytology.
Imaging Tests
Imaging tests like CT or Computerised Tomography Urogram Retrograde Pyelogram will enable the physician to examine the structure of the urinary tract. During CT Urogram, contrast dye gets injected right into the vein in a person’s hand, which flows into the bladder, ureters, and kidneys. X-ray images taken during the test will offer a clear view of the urinary tract. The physician will then detect any areas which might have cancer.
Treatment for Bladder Cancer
In this section, you will learn about the bladder cancer treatment options which are popular and very effective.
These are known as cancer-killing medications. Patients need to opt for intravesical therapy so that the chemotherapy can be inserted into the bladder. Intravesical therapy targets cancer cells without damaging healthy tissues.
Radiation Therapy
This is an alternative option for surgery. Healthcare experts might combine chemotherapy and TURBT with radiation therapy. This treatment can certainly help patients who have bladder cancer. But healthcare experts must consider several factors, such as tumor characteristics and growth, before suggesting this treatment.
Targeted Therapy
This particular therapy concentrates on all the genetic changes which turn all the healthy cells into cancer cells. Compared to traditional forms of treatment like chemotherapy, these medications operate differently. However, Targeted medications might have certain side effects.
Ending Note
Bladder cancer might be a common sort of cancer, but you should not take it lightly. If you experience the symptoms/signs of this cancer, you should visit the Best Cancer Hospital in Delhi to see a reliable physician without delay. The quicker you get treatment, the faster you will recover.
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