GTA 5 is one of the best-selling games of all time. According to the Guinness World Records, GTA 5 beat out previous record holders like Super Mario 64 and Minecraft in sales numbers.
Release date
GTA 5 was released on September 17th, 2013 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game then received a re-release for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 18th, 2014.
It became available on Microsoft Windows on April 14th, 2015. On July 14th, 2016, a virtual reality version of GTA 5 was released for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. GTA 5 is set in fictional Los Santos and its surrounding areas, based on the cities of Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The state of San Andreas includes many real-world landmarks such as the Santa Monica Pier, Beverly Hills, Vinewood and Del Perro Pier.
Three criminals in game
The game revolves around three criminals: Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton and Trevor Philips. These characters each have their own background that unfolds during the course of the story. GTA 5’s online component allows for a massive number of players to interact together within the same world simultaneously. This mode lets you become the CEO of your own criminal organization and rise to the top of the leaderboards.
Vehicles in GTA 5
You can cooperate with other players or betray them for personal gain, making it essential to be careful who you trust. GTA 5 has a variety of vehicles that range from sports cars to bikes and airplanes. Players can drive around various areas in San Andreas, which include wilderness, mountain trails and a beachside town.
If you want to feel more power as well as speed when driving these vehicles, then GTA 5 lets you customize them with over 20 upgradeable options. Those who take part in Grand Theft Auto 5 are able to purchase properties for various purposes. This includes buying houses, garages and businesses in order to receive additional money over time.
Changing weather condition
You can change when it rains by visiting the weather menus within the game options if you don’t like your current weather conditions. The game also has a variety of side missions to take part in if main story content is not your preferred method of play.
Structure of game
The game has an open-ended structure, allowing players to roam around the world freely after completing the initial missions of the story mode. There are many weapons and vehicles within GTA 5 that can be used for criminal purposes. Shootouts with police officers are frequent if you use these items for illegal purposes.
You can also assassinate other characters by using stealth attacks or simply run them over with a vehicle. These types of action scenes are common in various media about crime families, which is why this video game provides you somewhat of a simulation experience based on real life events.
The replay ability factor makes it popular among gamers who enjoy expansive virtual worlds to explore at their own pace with interesting characters to interact with along the way. The main protagonist you control is the boss of your own criminal organization as mentioned earlier.
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Missions in game
You can choose to go on missions with Franklin, Michael or Trevor to complete various tasks throughout the story mode. Each one has their own specialties that allow them to excel at certain types of missions, such as driving and flying specific vehicles during a heist.
The voices for these three lead characters provide personality to each character, which makes it easier for gamers to connect with their personalities and make decisions accordingly in-game.
How to auto save game in GTA 5?
It’s easy to save game in GTA 5 – just press F5 on your keyboard. That’s it! You can re-save the game by pressing F5. The game automatically saves all of your progress within a mission, not just at certain checkpoints, so you don’t have to do anything special to save the game. But before you launch the next part of the story line or try some new activities, make sure that you are saved. This is especially important if you are transferring data from one computer to another (for instance, via the cloud).
If auto save doesn’t activate during missions or when approaching designated trigger points, look around for nearby places where there are arcade machines with ticketers. Save your game here. If the arcade cannot be found, make a new file.
How to save game manually?
To save the game manually, go to some secluded place and activate the key for phone calls on your character’s smart phone. While holding X, press F7 once, then release X. Then hold down 2 and 3 simultaneously on your keyboard and click somewhere.
To load a saved game, activate the phone by pressing left mouse button and use menu “Recent Calls”. Here you can access your mission progress or start a new one. Don’t forget to save your changes in settings.
Note: Do not overwrite any saves except for those you created yourself. To create a savegame, go to {new slot} in the GTA 5 main menu and you’ll be able to choose whether to overwrite or not. In case of any problems with starting a new level it might be helpful just to rename/delete old saves from this list.
Use of map
Additionally, please refer to this map with locations of all save points in GTA 5. It was created by Game FAQs user’s pdescobar and Cliffy, who have also included information on how to activate them.
How to save progress?
If you want to save your progress after completing the task, then follow the given instructions.
- Get into a car
- Press down on the directional pad (D-pad)
- Select your phone with X/Square/Enter/A and select Story Mode options
- Click “Save Game” and keep whatever name you like or leave it as default
That’s all; now you know how to save your progress without putting much effort! But remember to save right after completing a mission so you don’t have to do it all over again.
Where do you begin in GTA 5?
You must finish the instructional part to begin playing GTA Online. Players with the entire GTA 5 game, including GTA Online, might still need to finish the main single-player game’s Prologue to gain entry, but if they’re playing the solo GTA Online edition, they should be able to hop right in.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can we play GTA 5 on android phone?
Yes, you can play it on android but features will be limited and you have to use links.
- Can we play randomly or there any mission?
We can play by both ways. You can play randomly or can choose mission.
Apart from this, if you want to know about Game In GTA then please visit our Education category