Sleep deprivation may cause potential health issues. Such issues are heart failure, diabetes, or blood pressure. To avert such problems, having quality sleep is essential, and here are ways to help you.
1. Adopt a Sleep Schedule
Having a consistent sleeping pattern is very crucial for you to get enough rest. However, this might be hard to follow because of the changes in each day’s activities. Thus, you might find yourself having enough sleep during the weekends. However, even with such variations, you can have quality sleep.
Note that a sleep schedule will help tune your body’s internal clock, known as circadian rhythm. Also, understand that sleeping hours for every person might differ. Thus, if you sleep at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am, make it a routine even during the weekends. Avoid taking naps during the day to help you maintain your sleep cycle.
2. Avoid Using Electronic Devices During Your Bedtime
Many people are guilty of using their phones while in bed, and you might be one of them. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid this habit. When you are done with your day’s activities, it is also relevant that you switch off your phone.
Understand that electronic devices emit blue light that can harm your eyes. Additionally, light affects the production of melatonin in your body. It is a hormone that is responsible for your sleep-wake cycle. With its production distracted, you will find it hard to sleep and will also have a hard time waking up.
Another disadvantage of using your phone in bed is that it increases your alertness. If you find a concerning mail or a Facebook post, you will have a hard time relaxing. Even with friendly posts or messages, your mind will get engaged, preventing you from having quality sleep.
To ensure that the electronics do not interfere with your sleep, stop using your cellphone, tablet, or laptop at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Instead of phones in bed, you can consider reading a book. To avoid temptation, ensure to keep the electronics in a different room.
3. Engage in Exercise
To improve your sleep, it is vital that you add workouts to your routine. For this to work for you, it is important that you engage in exercises frequently. However, you need to know how much exercise is enough to prevent you from having trouble sleeping.
The first benefit of exercise is that it increases your sleep duration. Note that when you exercise, your body uses energy, which means you will be fatigued. Thus, you’ll not toss and turn to find sleep. Moreover, workouts facilitate a slow wave delta sleep.
Anxiety and stress are also the top reasons you may have difficulty sleeping. It may also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. To prevent this from happening, you will need to exercise. You can consider enrolling in a gym to help you maintain a working routine. The trainer will also instruct you on ideal exercises to engage in.
4. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Intake Before Bed
A glass of beer might cause you to feel sleepy. However, this is not good for your sleep as it might affect you. With alcohol in your system, you will likely have serious sleep issues such as insomnia. Moreover, it can lead to light sleep which is not good for your health.
It is also important to avoid taking caffeine beverages before bedtime as they are stimulants. The stimulant may keep you alert, which will interfere with your sleep schedule. To ensure no caffeine in your system, take it six hours before your bedtime.
5. Switch Off the Light
To help you fall asleep fast, ensure to turn off the lights. Going to bed with lights on is not ideal as they cause hormonal imbalance. It implies that there will be less production of melatonin which is responsible for your circadian rhythm. What’s more, lights can trigger migraines, making it hard for you to sleep.
Besides eliminating health issues, a good night’s sleep ensures a productive day. Moreover, you don’t have to spend to have quality sleep. The ways above will ensure you always have better sleep.
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