There are numerous strategies to reduce the cost of auto shipping, but not all of them may be practical for you. People who frequently ship several vehicles or use auto shipping services, for instance, might save money by taking advantage of volume discounts. However, for the foreseeable future, the bulk of consumers who utilize an auto shipping service will only need to send one car. While your options may be restricted, using a credit card with cash rewards or travel rewards is a solid way to safeguard yourself against fraud and save money on auto shipping. This is some guidance:
Avoid Using Cash
Nowadays, using a credit card to pay for auto transport is less frequent, however, a lot of individuals still pay for it in cash up front using methods like a debit card, check, money order, bank transfer, or cheque. But if you don’t have to, you shouldn’t. Cash payments can be significantly riskier, and you won’t receive any reward points for doing so. You ought to use a credit card to pay the deposit if the auto shipping company permits you to do so.
Credit Cards Offer a Safer Alternative
The safer choice is to use a credit card to pay auto transport companies. Most companies that provide credit cards give fraud protection with a $0 liability guarantee. This means that you can file a claim with your bank if a vehicle transport firm charges you for services that you did not receive or that were not finished adequately. Most of the time, they’ll credit the charges back to your account, leaving you with nothing to pay. Cash payments may not provide the same level of security.
Earning Time!
There are several credit cards available that give you rewards for every dollar you spend. Some companies give back 1% of every dollar spent, but many give back 2% or more. Even though it might not seem like much, it adds up, especially if you have to pay for auto shipment, which can run you hundreds or even thousands of dollars depending on the order’s specifics and its distance from you.
Although-back credit cards are a fantastic choice, you should also take into account travel reward cards. Auto transport can count as “travel costs,” and several give bonuses of 2% to 3%. You have the option of exchanging your reward points for statement credits, travel credits, hotels, etc. If you decide to use your points for travel, many of them will be worth considerably more.
Review the payment policies of the auto transport company.
While more and more auto transport businesses now take credit cards as payment, not all of them let you pay the entire sum in that manner. To find out how much of the expense you can charge to your credit card, you should first verify with them. Some would just let you use your credit card for the deposit, while others might let you use it for the entire amount.
Rapid Auto Shipping does its best to meet your needs while being open and honest about the forms of payment we accept. Get your free quote from us today!
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