The UAE has one of the fastest growing populations in the world. Which means one thing–more people need to translate English to Arabic UAE and vice versa every day.
As humans, we all know that translation can be tricky–even when you’re translating one language to another that’s closely related to your native tongue. Like with Spanish and French or German and Dutch. Imagine trying to translate languages that aren’t even in the same family tree!
How Machines Translate Now
Machine translation (MT) has been around since 1957 and is one of three core components of computer-assisted translation (CAT). The other two are terminology management software and post-editing.
Of course, as with anything new, it’s taken time for MT to reach its full potential. Decades later, a well-trained human translator can still produce better translations than current MT technology.
According to research by Tetralingual and Google Translate evaluators, MT systems currently fall into one of three categories. Phrase-based machine translation (PBMT), statistical machine translation (SMT) and hybrids. All based on whether they use rule-, statistics- or grammar-based approaches.
Why Machines Will Be Able to Do It Better
For most people, it’s easy to believe that machines will not be able to translate language more accurately than humans can by 2022. But advances in machine learning and natural language processing technology over recent years have changed our perspective.
It’s not far-fetched anymore to imagine a computer being able to write better poetry or ad copy, for example, but it does still seem unbelievable that we could have computers translating documents more accurately than humans—at least for now.
Today, for example, Google Translate is about as good as a human translator. Given enough time with an idea documentation translated into French or Spanish (two of its top languages). Google would likely be able to offer reliable translations on its own.
When Will This Happen
Within five years, a machine will be able to Translate English to Arabic UAE better than human translators. This could cause serious ramifications for professionals who work as translators.
For example, an automated translator would need fewer hours of training since it would be able to process much more information and provide translations faster.
An average translator requires about three years’ worth of training before they’re able to provide high-quality translations that don’t include any errors. If machines can produce more accurate translations quicker.
Then it may eventually become cheaper (and possibly even more commonplace) for companies. Especially those with global operations to rely on automated systems instead of human translators.
Benefits Of Machine Translation Over Human Translate English to Arabic UAE
Human translation is time consuming and expensive. Human translators must be well versed in both languages, which can be an obstacle for many international businesses.
However, when it comes to commercial contracts or emergency messages, machine translation can be a much more practical option. Because machine translation requires minimal human input, businesses will have 24/7 access to quality translations. They don’t have to worry about language barriers holding them back during all hours of business operations.
What Are the Drawbacks?
Automated translation software is a well-established technology, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. The software struggles with long documents, unusual vocabulary and idioms, as well as poor spelling and grammar.
In addition, many people prefer translations produced by human translators—if only because they can correct mistakes made by machines.
Does This Mean Humans Will No Longer Be Needed for Translation?
Some experts are worried that AI technology will displace humans from their jobs. Even if a more accurate translation machine is developed, it doesn’t mean we won’t need human translators.
The reason for that is that translating isn’t only about accuracy, it’s about nuance and cultural context as well. This makes us believe that even with an improved machine translation. Companies will still want translators who speak both languages natively.
Additionally, unlike Google translate which has a general database for all languages available online. Professional human translators have a database dedicated to each particular field they work on. And it requires years of specialization and experience to develop such databases.
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